The story hitchfest 2017

The story

HitchFest 2017

HitchFest – the hitchhiking Festival – was a gathering about traveling, ecology, activism, self-discovery and awareness. It was the predecessor of Festança!!

It took place in 2017 in the north of Portugal. There, we shared knowledge and experiences collected on the road. We learned to know ourselves, to trust in life and to act in order to transform the world.

In August 2017, in Marco de Canaveses, the 1st ever Hitchfest took place. Over one thousand persons visited the festival.

The program took place for five days, filled with presentations, concerts, workshops, performances, group dynamics, exhibitions. It was a time to share about different ways of traveling and places of the world, about activism, ecology and self-discovery.

Click on the image to see the program

Five days that gathered inhabitants of the nearby communities, young people from all over the country and travelers hitchhiking from places like Istanbul or Copenhagen.

The festival itself was voluntarily created and organized by a small group of passionate travelers, who didn’t know each other before!

More about the different editions

More about the different editions

Magical connections were made!